
Blanca de China

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

One of the things I really set aside budget for is massage, manipedi and threading. Seriously, I take my hair and face (I know I shouldn't!) for granted but the first three, I MUST regularly have!

I have a masseuse and manicurista that comes to our house. I'm so tamad to go to a spa! And for threading, we have a resident threader-girl in the office.

Last Saturday though, I got the chance to try Blanca De China Lifestyle Spa located along P. Guevarra in San Juan. Yes, I drove all the way to San  Juan to try their services. Thanks to Tin of Manila Fashion Observer, I got to try their full body massage. I have a constant pain in my back so I'm really picky with massages. 

As soon as I entered the spa, I immediately felt so relaxed with the white interiors and soothing piped in music. At the ground floor was the manipedi area. The couch looked so inviting! While I was there, a mom with her two daughters were getting their nails done. So cute! At the counter was Ms. Joanne, proprietress of the lovely spa. I was fortunate enough to meet her. According to Tin she was a former banker who really dreamt of putting up her own spa. Well, dreams do come true!

I love the white couch!

Quotes all over the place

After forms were filled out, an attended directed me up to the second floor where facials and massages were done.

staircase to the second floor. i'm inspired by this decorating idea

massage and facial room

It's little details like these that make it so homey!
Ok, now let's talk about the massage. Melle, my therapist, asked me how much pressure I wanted before we started. I also asked what oil she was going to use coz some mineral oils make me itchy. I was surprised when she said they don't use oil, but lotion. Hmmm... lotion and massages put negative thoughts in my head! Lol! Surprisingly it wasn't that bad, especially since I have to go somewhere after and I didn't have that oily feeling after the massage. The lotion was unscented too, which I appreciate coz I don't like scented lotions.

All throughout the massage she would occasionaly ask me if the pressure was ok. I did ask her to put more pressure on my upper back where I feel discomfort always. I did doze off a few times. I did my best to stay awake the whole time to remember the whole experience but the music and the massage made me fall asleep!

After the massage I also tried their threading services. I had my brows and upper lip cleaned. Yes, I'm not embarassed to tell you I have a bit of fuzz! I prefer threading than waxing even if it's a bit painful. Melle was the one who did my threading and she plucked whatever hair was left after.

I was also offered hot tea but I had to decline, I had to leave for my movie date with my son. But all in all, I was happy with my experience! I have to come back and try their other services.

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