
Book Launch: The Toddler Travels

Friday, May 6, 2016

Summer is in full swing. Many have gone to trips already but if you have a toddler and still undecided whether to go on a trip or not, here's a helpful guide book, The Toddler Travels Tips and Thoughts on Your Little One's First Vacation Abroad.

Genevieve Gutierrez-Figueroa, a first time author and mother to a toddler, loved to travel with her family. Months before her 40th birthday, she was looking for something to do to mark the special day. She then thought of writing a book about traveling with toddlers. With her birthday looming, she decided to jump into it and publish the book herself.

The book is wonderfully interpreted by Monica Esquivel, an illustrator and graphic designer. As seen on the book, it is obviously inspired by Gen's daughter, Giana.

She breaks the book into three parts: Before You Leave, Travel Day, and On Location. Here are some of my favorite tips I also follow whenever I travel with my kids:
  1. Baby Steps - To know if your toddler is ready to travel start with short trips. Start with road trips, and then move on to plane flights within the Philippines. Then you can try nearby Asian countries.
  2. The Art of Packing - Aside from clothes and baby essentials, I personally bring medicines. I bring my kids to our pediatrician days before the trip to have them checked and get list of medicines and dosages. I have paracetamol, cough syrup and anti-allergy meds.
  3. Deal With Boredom - Bring toys and books to keep the kids busy during flight. If you allow your kids gadgets, then make sure it's charged or could be charged. I do bring an extra blanket that I put on the floor, let my kids play on it with whatever toys  we brought. Related to this, try to request bulkhead seats during reservations or upon check in. It's the first row of seats and usually where bassinets are attached. It has good space for you and your kids to move around.
  4. Flight Attendant=Best Friend - I do agree! I've been lucky enough to have met nice pursers who sometimes take my babies and play with them. The few minutes they take my child is a few minutes of rest for me.
There are more things she has shared. The book is easy to read and really easy to follow too.

The book is available at selected Fully Booked, National Bookstore and Power Books for Php395. 

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