
It's the time of the month!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Disclaimer first... this is a post about monthly periods. If squeamish, please proceed to the next blog...

For almost all my life, well at least ever since I got my period, I have been searching for a sanitary napkin that's comfortable and absorbent. I couldn't find any that satisfied my needs so I ended up with tampons instead. But tampons are not commonly used here in the Philippines, you know the stigma that it "de-flowers" girls. I had to get my supply from the US.

While I have been very satisfied with tampons, I still had to be careful since it could lead to TSS or toxic shock syndrome. TSS occurs when tampons stay inside the vagina longer than it should, absorbing even the natural moisture of the vagina causing imbalance. I would use napkins at night and tampons during the day.

But recently, I was introduced to another alternative to napkins and tampons. The MeLuna Menstrual Cup.

What is MeLuna?
  • a healthy, sanitary and cost saving alternative over other (disposable) menstrual articles
  • long lasting (5 to 10 years)
  • unseeable monthly protection
  • safe protection throughout the night
  • able to retain more liquid than other monthly hygiene products
  • made from high-quality, anti-allergen, medical allowed thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)
  • easy to clean
  • no physical restrictions within your daily life
  • lowers the risk of yeast infection

Why you should consider MeLuna?
  1. It is gentle
  2. Saves money
  3. Protects the environment
So, how does it really work? There are several ways to fold the cup to be able to insert it inside your vagina. Surprisingly, once it goes in, it glides easily in place. It then catches the menstrual flow. You take it out after a few hours to clean it and insert again.

Yes, it could be a bit of a challenge the first time but once it's there, you won't feel a thing! And if you do feel something, then it's not inserted properly.

Wondering what made me try it? Jen of Chronicles of a Nursing Mom introduced this to me and another mommy blogger, Eliza of The Painters Wife swears by it. Want to try it? Check out Mama.Baby.Love online store, there are other brands and comes in different sizes too.

1 comment:

  1. Question: What if you think it's already full (wait, will you feel if it's already full?), and there are only public toilets? How will you wash it since there is only a common sink area?
