

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Okay... so I don't really believe in horoscopes but my mom brought home this month's Cosmo. So, just for fun... this is my whole year forecast about career, lovelife, sex life, and more!

Libra girl is described as someone who loves life. Has tastes for finer things... and men know it (yeah right?!). Still, knack for small talk and ability to understand both sides of any argument put everyone around you instantly at ease.

Year ahead: Indulging in yourself -- You've spent too much time dealing with other people's dramas, but in 2005, the focus is on you (but had enough drama these past few months to last me a lifetime and you tell me there's more?!).

Single? (ugh! rub it in why don't you?!): Your seductive powers are screaming "Come and get me!". In the first half of the year, playing the field keeps you Palm full of the cell of some sexy prospects (where? where?). But in fall, Mars puts a man in you path who may foil your freewheeling fun... and make you finally ready to settle down (hah?! I wish!).

Attached?: A minor flirtation could balloon into a major mistake when your self-indulgent streak makes you think you can get away with anything this year (oh, shut up!). To avoid straying, focus on all the things you love about your steady.

Good Move for 2005: You're born negotiator, so ask for a raise or even a promotion... (maybe i should ask for a job first!)

Bad Move for 2005: You always weigh the pros and cons, but being wishywashy when you least expect it allows a rival to get the upper hand. So don't think -- act! (uh-huh... too much brain is bad for you!)

Libra in Bed: First, you set the mood with low lighting, yummy scents, and silky sheets. Then your slow, soft caresses and expertly drawn-out kisses keep you passion partners moaning for more (moan baby!).

Signature Sex Move: THE TEASE - Your start-and-stop love action ensures he doesn't explode until you are totally satisfied (oh, baby! behave!).

Best day: Oct. 21, 2005 -- amazing for luck!

I'm just wondering how much of these crap girls believe?!

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