
Japanese Invasion

Friday, June 19, 2009

I hate places like Japan Home and Saizen... I end up buying stuff I don't really need coz they have stuff you don't really think about but it's there. And suddenly you say to yourself... "ay, ang cute!"

I was at Market! Market! the other day with my bff and I did just that when I went to Japan Home. Ended up buying some embossing thing. While walking we saw Blades... supposedly a store for automotive stuff. But half the store sold Japanese anik-aniks. Good thing we just came from Japan Home and sweldo was still a week away, or else I'd end up buying some of these things.

I tried talking as much pics I could. But the saleslady was always right behind me. I think she wasn't very happy I was talking photos on my phone.

memo pad in a cookie. it smelled like a cookie too!

just one of the phones they sold. they had beer bottles and soda cans

i love this! it's a tissue holder. sosyal way of bringing your tissue in the bathroom at work while doing #1 or #2!
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also a tissue holder. open the cap and pull the tissue out.

my favorite! old school pencil case! i thought they didn't make these anymore... remember pushing a button and out comes the sharpener or the ruler???

They had lots of cute pens, keychains and picture frames too. I wonder where they get all these stuff?! It's addicting!

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