
Soup #50

Friday, June 19, 2009

A month (used to be a week) doesn't go by that I don't drop by one of my favorite resto to gobble up my comfort food. It's the #50 soup on the menu of Pho Hoa. Sorry, I never could remember the Vietnamese name for this one.

I don't know what the soup has that I just feel happy and giddy inside whenever I eat it. I love it spicy so I put several drops of their version of hot sauce. I don't put the local basil and lemon in it. I just want the simple, spicy taste. I'm very adventureous when it comes to food and would try anything. But this is my staple meal in Pho Hoa.

I love Vietnamese food. I love their sandwhich too.

I wish I could go to Vietnam and have a food fest...

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