
Friday, January 7, 2005

I have been living with Alisa for more than a year and a half. I've always thought God had a hand that we ended up roomates in this convent called AIM. I say this because we hit it off right away. No fights. No adjustment period. No tsk...tsk... behind each other's back. And when you've lived with someone in the same bedroom for more than a year, you kinda get used to each other's presence. It's a comfort hearing each other's alarm go off in the morning. Mine goes off first. But of course I turn it off. Then hers go off. Which she also turns off. Then we scramble off the bed fifteen minutes before class starts and run to the bathroom to take a shower. We kinda like the same stuff, another reason we get along well. We hate it if we sleep less than eight hours. We have to plan for our weekly wardrobe. We get cranky when we're hungry (although this goes for all the 315 Girls). We also love trashy, romance novels.

Now, she's leaving me. It's not that I don't want her to leave! I want her to leave! She got into the exchange program and she's studying in Copenhagen for a few months. She won't be here anymore for our graduation. But I'm happy for her and I'm actually looking forward to whatever escapade she'll encounter in Europe. My only wish is she finds her tall, hunky, smart jock that she's been looking for. I'll definitely miss her. The extra closet space doesn't compensate for her absence!

Thank you girl! Without you I won't pass LOB, MA, MACS, and Finance. But most of all... without you, my AIM experience won't be complete.

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