
Sick of Being Sick

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Did you ever wonder when you're sick how it feels being well again? Like it's been so long since the last time you felt okay? After my bout with the STD-sounding sickness last week I caught a flu. Now, I have scars on my back, my eyes are red and blotchy from my colds, my nose is running like crazy (...and I can't blow my nose properly...due to some recent events...), and lastly I'm losing my voice from coughing too much.

It's like wondering how wonderful life was when everything is falling apart. And then you wish you could turn back time or maybe even fast forward to the moment when you're over everything you're feeling right now.

I must really have a messed up immune system for getting sick this much! Although, I could always blame stress...

I don't feel pretty right now =(

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