
Building Healthier Relationships

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Over the years I can truly say that I have been successful in keeping relationships that are truly valuable in my life. Along the way, I also lost friends, but in retrospect maybe it was a blessing they decided not to stay.

A couple of Saturdays ago, I was lucky enough to participate in a session with Coach Pia Nazareno-Acevedo. The topic was Building Healthier Relationships. We started our session by writing down what are our core values are. What do we value the most? It could be people, event or virtue. We had to determine our top 4. And then Coach Pia asked us to let go one... and then another one... and then another one... until we reached the last sheet paper. Even that one, we had to give up too. That part was something! Because looking at what I wrote down, everything seemed important and made me complete. I knew what I was going to keep last, but what to let go first? But Coach Pia asked us who we think we really are when all of these are taken away? Who am I? And looking at the list, I didn't know what to say because apart from being a mom, wife, daughter, sister and friend... I realized I was still trying to figure out a lot of things.

We also talked about our individual core values and how it affected our life decisions. We had to reflect if our present relationships allowed us to live with our core values in all aspects of our lives. One quote from the session that truly struck me was "The quality of my personal relationships is determined by my ability to live out my personal values". 

I also learned how much I am aware or not aware of my personal values reflected in my daily life. With all these, it will also help with all the negativity we were throwing out to the universe. And also the negativity we were receiving from around us... And I really do want to avoid negativity as much as possible! Doesn't it feel like happiness is sucked out of you when you're around negative people?! May pinaghuhugutan ba?! I hate NEGA people talaga!

Yes, we were taking down notes like a good student!

Slide from the session. We must try to keep these in balance and help each aspect grow.

While negativity is all around us, another great learning I got was that it's really up to us to change. How? 1) Let go, Forgive, Change and be Humble, 2) Incentive to change is YOU, 3) Put things in perspective, life is too short. I used to think "giving in" is like admitting defeat. But in reality, it's also for our benefit. Nakakamatay ang stress! Ika nga ng fellow SoMom, "Ilagay sa keber file!" 

Truly amazed at how much realizations and learnings I got from the session both from Coach Pia and also from fellow SoMoms. Whenever we throw Coach Pia a question she explained in very simple terms how we can twist the situation to make it better. I'm really looking forward to more sessions with her!

If you want to attend Coach Pia's sessions, you can attend the following sessions or enroll in the workshops:

Love ko si Kuya (McDo)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's a very simple commercial really. Just brothers enjoying their breakfast at McDo. But it's the characters that make it seem more poignant and touching. Just goes to show relationships come in different forms, and bonds formed by love are truly powerful even in simplest terms.

I really teared up while watching this one! I saw the post on FB while attending an event and imagine almost crying in public! I do have two sons, and while their lives are of different circumstances than the ones in the ad, it still affected me. Because mommies always hope that their kids become close and love each other to death. And when we are gone, they will be each others' support and strength.

Hay McDo... you always know what buttons to push! Thanks for this one.

Belly Blessed Fest 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Celebrate the many joys of pregnancy with Belly Blessed Fest 2013! A three-day event dedicated to expectant moms, Belly Blessed Fest will be held from July 12 to 14, 2013 at the 2nd and 3rd Level Atrium of The Podium Mall in Pasig City.
There’ll be exciting interactive stations to delight expectant moms and dads-to-be like the Pregnancy Portrait Booth, Clay Medallion Making Station, and a wishing wall where moms can write special messages to the miracle growing inside their wombs. Alongside the activity stations will be booths showcasing the latest mom and baby products and services in the market today. On July 13, Saturday, there will be an all-day program of informative talks and refreshing entertainment. A belly dancing session will get moms-to-be gently grooving while a talk on Lamaze will get them attentively listening. A live belly casting session might just encourage many of them to make one-of-a-kind keepsakes of their pregnancy.
The event is open to everybody, but expectant moms are encouraged to pre-register to get Belly Blessed Fest goodies; simply text your name and the number of weeks that you are pregnant to 0917-8162524.
Belly Blessed Fest is presented by Mommy Mundo, the go-to resource portal for active, modern moms; PACE, Mommy Matters, Nurture Nook, and The Podium. It is supported by Cordlife Cord Blood Banking, Glaxo Smith Kline, Cycles Mild Detergent, Cradle, Philips Avent, and Crystal Clear. Media partners are Urban Mom, Mommy Pages, Working Mom, Lifestyle Network, Crossover 105.1, and When in Manila. Logistics partner is Creative Juice Communications.
For more information, like Belly Blessed on Facebook or visit

It's the time of the month!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Disclaimer first... this is a post about monthly periods. If squeamish, please proceed to the next blog...

For almost all my life, well at least ever since I got my period, I have been searching for a sanitary napkin that's comfortable and absorbent. I couldn't find any that satisfied my needs so I ended up with tampons instead. But tampons are not commonly used here in the Philippines, you know the stigma that it "de-flowers" girls. I had to get my supply from the US.

While I have been very satisfied with tampons, I still had to be careful since it could lead to TSS or toxic shock syndrome. TSS occurs when tampons stay inside the vagina longer than it should, absorbing even the natural moisture of the vagina causing imbalance. I would use napkins at night and tampons during the day.

But recently, I was introduced to another alternative to napkins and tampons. The MeLuna Menstrual Cup.

What is MeLuna?
  • a healthy, sanitary and cost saving alternative over other (disposable) menstrual articles
  • long lasting (5 to 10 years)
  • unseeable monthly protection
  • safe protection throughout the night
  • able to retain more liquid than other monthly hygiene products
  • made from high-quality, anti-allergen, medical allowed thermoplastic elastomer (TPE)
  • easy to clean
  • no physical restrictions within your daily life
  • lowers the risk of yeast infection

Why you should consider MeLuna?
  1. It is gentle
  2. Saves money
  3. Protects the environment
So, how does it really work? There are several ways to fold the cup to be able to insert it inside your vagina. Surprisingly, once it goes in, it glides easily in place. It then catches the menstrual flow. You take it out after a few hours to clean it and insert again.

Yes, it could be a bit of a challenge the first time but once it's there, you won't feel a thing! And if you do feel something, then it's not inserted properly.

Wondering what made me try it? Jen of Chronicles of a Nursing Mom introduced this to me and another mommy blogger, Eliza of The Painters Wife swears by it. Want to try it? Check out Mama.Baby.Love online store, there are other brands and comes in different sizes too.

Blanca de China

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

One of the things I really set aside budget for is massage, manipedi and threading. Seriously, I take my hair and face (I know I shouldn't!) for granted but the first three, I MUST regularly have!

I have a masseuse and manicurista that comes to our house. I'm so tamad to go to a spa! And for threading, we have a resident threader-girl in the office.

Last Saturday though, I got the chance to try Blanca De China Lifestyle Spa located along P. Guevarra in San Juan. Yes, I drove all the way to San  Juan to try their services. Thanks to Tin of Manila Fashion Observer, I got to try their full body massage. I have a constant pain in my back so I'm really picky with massages. 

As soon as I entered the spa, I immediately felt so relaxed with the white interiors and soothing piped in music. At the ground floor was the manipedi area. The couch looked so inviting! While I was there, a mom with her two daughters were getting their nails done. So cute! At the counter was Ms. Joanne, proprietress of the lovely spa. I was fortunate enough to meet her. According to Tin she was a former banker who really dreamt of putting up her own spa. Well, dreams do come true!

I love the white couch!

Quotes all over the place

After forms were filled out, an attended directed me up to the second floor where facials and massages were done.

staircase to the second floor. i'm inspired by this decorating idea

massage and facial room

It's little details like these that make it so homey!
Ok, now let's talk about the massage. Melle, my therapist, asked me how much pressure I wanted before we started. I also asked what oil she was going to use coz some mineral oils make me itchy. I was surprised when she said they don't use oil, but lotion. Hmmm... lotion and massages put negative thoughts in my head! Lol! Surprisingly it wasn't that bad, especially since I have to go somewhere after and I didn't have that oily feeling after the massage. The lotion was unscented too, which I appreciate coz I don't like scented lotions.

All throughout the massage she would occasionaly ask me if the pressure was ok. I did ask her to put more pressure on my upper back where I feel discomfort always. I did doze off a few times. I did my best to stay awake the whole time to remember the whole experience but the music and the massage made me fall asleep!

After the massage I also tried their threading services. I had my brows and upper lip cleaned. Yes, I'm not embarassed to tell you I have a bit of fuzz! I prefer threading than waxing even if it's a bit painful. Melle was the one who did my threading and she plucked whatever hair was left after.

I was also offered hot tea but I had to decline, I had to leave for my movie date with my son. But all in all, I was happy with my experience! I have to come back and try their other services.

Konnichiwa Fruit Ninja!

Friday, June 28, 2013

When there was still one kind of iPad, me and my eldest son would bond over Fruit Ninja. He always had to get the highest score and wouldn't let me stop playing until I topped my previous score. So, a week ago when we got invited to attend the Fruit Ninja Live show in Glorietta, I immediately jumped up to go. I knew my boys would love it!


I didn't know what to expect. How could they make a show about slicing fruits?! Well, the story was about journeying to Fruitasia Village, learning about fruits and Sensei teaching new recruits how to be a fruit ninja.

my son was so excited he wore his ninja costume!

It was quite funny with lots of dancing and singing. Kids ran in front of the stage and followed the dance steps.


Gutsu welcomes you all!


Here comes the wise Sensei! He's ready for some new recruits!


Kids were called up the stage to be trained as fruit ninjas. The kids did so well, Sensei was very happy.



Then we had the chance to have our picture taken with Sensei and Gutsu.


I loved seeing the joy in the kids' faces. So, I'm sharing the joy with a contest! I'm giving away five (5) tickets each to three (3) readers for the August 17, 2013 (Saturday) show at 3pm. No need to pay the minimum purchase price of Php500 for tickets.

Join the contest by following the instructions below via Rafflecopter. Contest will end on July 30, 2013 at 11:59pm. Will announce the winner the next day.

Good luck! 

Note: Please leave a comment here, name, email address, twitter (if you have) to be able to notify you if you're chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Journey to a Better Me

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sometimes it does feel like I do have a secret life as a blogger. I don't think anybody here in my office knows I blog, although I don't really advertise it anyway. Even my husband doesn't read my blog... I do forgive him for that, he barely checks his Facebook. He IS aware of my blogging activities since I sometimes ask him to drive me to event, or even tote him along. 

On one hand, I do enjoy that certain level of anonimity. I have this little space to unleash my creativity (or something like it!). It's like keeping my private life separate. Blogging has kept me insane when work gets crazy, or even when kids go crazy! Or when life simply gets the best of you (see posts as early as 2005!). I never consciously made an effort at first to bring my blogging anywhere but somehow it has led me to a group of lovely ladies... and a gentleman, which are now inspiring me to be a Better Me. 

I'm quite familiar with SoMoms (which actually means Social Media Moms) and Mommy Mundo, some sites/things I came across while surfing the net or attending mommy-related events. Then one day, I met the ladies behind SoMoms through Tin of Manila Fashion Observer and I thought, wow, what a funny bunch of ladies! Such cool moms! So, imagine my happiness (and my shock, really...) when I was invited and accepted to join their group. Gulp! I feel so unqualified coz truly, I've just been trying to "wing it" being a mom and a wife.

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilige of meeting EVERYBODY at SoMoms over brunch, the founding members and the new "inductees". We had our own function room at the second floor of Wine Bar in 1771 El Pueblo. The yummy food (pancakes, fritatas and macaroons!) and cozy ambience made the event more fun. I swear, while the moms and dad were sharing about themselves, I was busy stuffing myself with macaroons! Sorry, I came in late... food almost gone when I arrived. Can't blame them...

borrowing this picture from fellow SoMom Jenny

Each member introduced themselves, how they started blogging and even their advocacies. As one by one talked, many of them started pretty much the same way: just looking for a way to journal their journey as mothers/father. Truly I was inspired hearing them share what keeps them busy and especially their advocacies. While I do support many of the causes: breastfeeding, baby wearing, natural and eco-friendly baby goods, I have many more to learn! 

(Thanks Jenny for the pic!)

Part of getting to know each other, we also got to know some of the mommies' businesses! Our only daddy in the group, Marc, showed a sample video of his wife's business, birthing photography, it made me want to have a baby all over again! I also shopped a few things like finally getting a bottle of Grandma's Secret Goo Remover from Tin; The Luna menstrual cup from Jenny; And my shopping wouldn't be complete if I didn't go home with a pair of shoes, this one from YellowBird Shoes c/o Patty. Two Tots, Nurture Nook, Aquasana (I'm saving up for a filter!) and Willow Clothing. The last 30 minutes or so was chaos as everybody was trying to shop at everybody's booth. 

some of my loot!
 I'm really looking forward spending more time with the SoMoms and our only SoDad. I'm sure every event with them will be meaningful and fun... some of them are more beki than me pa pala!   The invitation was so timely for me as I feel I'm at a crossroad of essentially choosing a path because I had to, and choosing another because it makes me happy. Rewards are definitely not the same but because my priority is, and will always be, my family, I may have to do some re-arranging in my life. After all, ultimately my goal is to be a better me so I can be a better mom and better wife. 

And I'm Back!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

My gosh! I really should think about getting my own website! For almost a month I've been getting errors whenever I tried posting here on Blogger. I've emailed them and constantly searched of a way to fix the bug but alas... Then suddenly I tried logging on today - on a different computer - and suddenly it worked! Although it still didn't work on my Mac. I'm using a different laptop now.

I missed blogging and I have posts more than two months old! Argh! 

Anyway, moving on... I have some great news! I have recently been invited to join an elite (naks!) group of mommy bloggers... SoMoms! I'm so happy and honored to be included. They are a bunch of funny and amazing women. Many have their own businesses which inspires me to do the same. More of them on my next posts! For now, will try to revamp my blog. Been itching to fix some stuff here. 

Fashion Forum SM

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I recently got invited to visit Fashion Forum in SM Makati along with other bloggers. I kinda tried to move heaven and earth to join the event. What I did cannot be mentioned anymore in public... teehee... Well, how could I resist Fashion Forum?!!! Home of one of my fave shoe brands, Jeffrey Campbell! 

Fashion Forum occupies a not-so-little space in many SM (Makati, North Edsa, Megamall, Davao and Cebu). It carries many brands from Maggy London, Muse, Donna Morgan, Chinese Laundry, to name a few. What's great about Fashion Forum is how updated the styles are! Every season the ladies of Fashion Forum go abroad to source the latest dresses and shoes for us to feast on! Saves us from purchasing online, especially since price points are almost the same.

They aim to bring ladies from day to night, hence the easy to wear but totally chic designs. I've seen a couple of dresses that would definitely be appropriate in the office and also great for night outs with friends!

Emeral green is the color of the year!

easy to wear wrap-around dresses

sweet for prom!

year of the snake!
animal prints

How about shoes?!!!! I love Jeffrey Campbell. I want another pair of Foxy!

They are opening another branch in May at SM Aura (the new monstrosity near Market, Market in Fort). Fortunately (or unfortunately for my wallet!), our office is moving to the Fort area soon. I'll just be a few minutes away from Fashion Forum!

Oh, and I enjoyed the blogger event most of all because I met new friends! Fellow bloggers who are kikay but super friendly! They are all so kalog and down to earth. I hope to see them again in another event!

MAC Archie's Girls: Betty and Veronica

So, are you a Betty or a Veronica? Or Betty by day and Veronica by night?! After all, girls are complicated creatures. Archie knows this for sure.

And MAC knows this as well... launching on Feb. 7, 2013 in North America and Canada is the Archie's Girls Collection. Technically two sets of everything! Representing the two girls, Betty and Veronica.

Wish I could fly to the US and hoard!!! Those blushes and eye shadows are divine! Plus, these limited edition packaging are so adorable!

These will be out in North America on Feb. 7, 2013. And a month after for the rest of the world.

(pictures from