
GLOBE might be cheating you!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This is no fashion post but I just have to get this out of my system. I feel sorry for my husband who has been following up his complaint with GLOBE TELECOMS since January. And it's already April we have received no action yet.

My husband noticed that he has been billed for calls made outside his billing period making him exceed his monthly limit, hence, paying more than he should. My husband is very careful with his call and makes sure he keeps he consumes only the minutes and texts allowed in his plan. His iPhone helps him monitor that.

But that billing statement, he saw several calls made prior the billing period. Of course he complained over the phone and he was assured that his billing will be adjusted.

A month after, he again noticed he was billed for calls outside his billing period. Good thing he did not go over his monthly limit but no adjustments has been made in his previous billing. Again, he called the contact center to complain. Again, he was given a reference number and was told his bill will be adjusted after TWO billing cycles (next two bills).

Fast forward to this month's bill and still no change. GLOBE still has not made any adjustments and my husband is furious already! I can hear him shouting in the other room. It's been more than two hours and there seems to be no improvement.

The thing is, I have heard complaints that GLOBE's service has been deteriorating lately. Whether the wireless or broadband. They should be careful because now that PLDT has purchased more than half the shares in DIGITEL, they will have a problem keeping up with the good service and great offers of the two companies. 

SMART has a better loyalty plan. Quality of phones and services are better. My mom was given an MacBook for being a loyal subscriber. She was not offered anything by GLOBE. She had to follow up with her loyalty plan. And I should tell you... she spends P20k a month on calls since she travels a lot. Even SUN has great loyalty plan. They call you and tell you that you're eligible for a new phone, etc. 

Also, they contact centers are quick to respond and they really give you a call to update you. 

It's been really difficult to get them to correct their mistake. And it's so unfair that the customer has to follow up so many times and get into a shouting match with the customer service agent.

Sooner or later, customers will realize that the only thing going for GLOBE is that they have iPhone. iPhone with crapy service...

Hubby is just waiting for his loyalty plan to finish then he'll cut the line he loves so much. After all, I got the line for him years and years ago. He's attached to the phone number. But, I guess it's time to let go coz it's not worth it anymore. 

If SMART can give him almost the same number, I might be able to convince him to move to SMART. I know he'll be loyal to SUN so, no need to convince him there.

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