
Crash Diet

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I need to be a little bit sexier by end of next month. I'll be traveling to Canada and US and I NEED to look good. Don't ask me why... but I just need to lose a bit of bulge. I think the universe heard me and sent me this in one of the group discount sites I frequently visit...

I bought ten sessions of RF or Radio Frequency Slimming Treatment from MetroDeal. The treatment is from La Estetica.

RF Treatment claims to reduce fat, eliminate cellulite and tighten skin by breaking down fat cells using the radio waves. It's non-invasive. I've actually tried it once when our derma demonstrated it but I couldn't afford the whole package. Now, thanks to discount vouchers like this, I can get the treatment really cheap.

Nalurky kse akech sa billboard ni Ruffa G.! Achieve!

I'm still waiting for my lotto winnings so I can afford Belo... 

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