
Video Posts

Friday, September 18, 2009

I finally started posting pics from our US trip. It took me awhile coz our internet connection bogged down and when I was finally back online, our laptop is starting to conking out. It's out of disk space. I really need to get an external hard drive. I'm planning to buy the 1TB (a friend said, we'll find a way fill it up) but all our budget for the next few months are reserved for our baby's first birthday.

So, while I try go back into blogging mode, let me just post some videos. Some may be days or weeks old, but hey, it will still make you laugh... i hope.

C'mon, admit it... it's pretty cool huh?!

What a jerk...

So the president calls him a "jackass"

I have to update myself with more of the "happenings"...

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