
The frenzy called MYOH

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Last year I went on the last day. As in the extended one day. I wasn't satisfied with my choices because most of the colors and studs were out of stock already. I had to settle with what was left.

This year I made sure I went at least on the second day. I left the home at 9am and I thought it was good enough. I was wrong... I was about a hundred people down and yet it wasn't that bad. It was still a good move for me.

This year they did it at the Rockwell tent and they had friends who gave away free drinks and snacks... although I wish they gave it at the start and not after we paid. I was tired and hungry waiting in line.

This year they had items for kids and slims. Although I was a bit disappointed tops have limited colors.

the line outside

the line inside

Patrick did both of my pairs

Slim, black sole with red straps. Embellished with letters spelling out my husband and my name

Slim, light rose sole with golden sun straps. Embellished w/stars and pink swarovski studs.

I promised myself I won't buy Havies anymore. I will just wait for MYOH to get my pairs.

MYOH extended til Monday, May 5.

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