
Officially Unemployed

Thursday, April 7, 2005

I will be attending my last MBA class in AIM later. We'll be having a dimsum party in our Channels Management class.

Finally, the two years are over.

I am officially among the unemployed.

But that's not what's making me sad right now. It is saying goodbye to the life I've known for the past two years... the lifelong friendships that I found... the teachers I've grown to respect... and the good and bad memories of simply being here in school. I've found myself here and matured without even realizing it. Now, I'm being thrown back into the real world and part of me is very excited coz I know there's so many new things I'd like to try. The other part of me is worried that I'll fail. Then my two years would have been for naught. But I entered AIM thinking failure is not an option... so I'm going out with the same mindset.

Tonight is also our Tigers' Night, the yearly farewell party for the graduating batch given by the freshmen. Although it seems it wasn't well planned like last year (oh yeah! we did that party that's why it was the best!) I'm still dropping by and say my goodbyes to some of my classmates.

To MBA2005... goodluck to all of us! See you again soon!

MBA2005... Studied hard, partied harder!!! Posted by Hello

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