
In My Life

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

In my lifetime, I have witnessed two EDSA Revolutions... three if you count the crappy Edsa Rally for Erap. I experienced one huge earthquake when I was in 6th grade. Also the Mt. Pinatubo erupting almost around the same time too. There were also the two Middle East Wars... one when I was in the 5th grade, I think. And about three years ago too. There was also the unforgettable 9/11 tragedy. It even happened while I was working for an American airline company.

Now, I witness the election of a new pope. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from Germany will be known as Pope Benedict XVI, the 265th pope of the Catholic Church.

No disrespect to the new pope but I was hoping for a Jesuit though!

Alisa and I really have to visit the Vatican now!

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