
Naming Our Baby

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I have been wracking my brain for the past several hours thinking of what to name our business venture. Tintin and I are actually putting up a medical apparel store. Initially we were only thinking of hospital scrubs... but more on the printed ones. But after our FGDs and other interviews, we realized there is a need to put up an actual store that sells more than just scrubs. We'll be including patient's gowns, masks, caps, shoes, and other accessories. Tomorrow, we have another Entrepreneur class and we have to share the names we thought for our business. I have already several in mind like Cure Wear, More Than Scrubs, Life Wear, and Happy M.D. But I don't feel the eureka moment when I hear those names. There's no uummph! in it.

Well, feel free to share your thoughts. This has to be perfect for us because it will represent the whole image of our store. Gandamit! I'm tired!

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