Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Don't worry, we will all survive the craziness of the holiday season. And we will learn to accept the amount of money we had to spend because we will see the smiles on the faces of our loved ones when they see our gifts for them! Also, there's the next year to start dieting. I for one have not stopped eating since the first Christmas party I attended.
I would like to congratulate Tini for learning to wrap gifts this year. "A" for effort!!! And also for finally learning how to shop for me.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
It's bad enough some of us have to suffer with bad eyesight, but we don't have to look like nerds in the process. Yes, contacts are always available but why not take time to look for the perfect frame to add character to your look.
After years of searching, I finally found an optical shop I love, Eye Experts by Sabater. The proprietors of the branches I go to, Leslie and Dr. RJay Javier, are quite young, making them very aware of the current trends.
The "in" thing right now are colorful frames reminiscent of those in the 50's and 60's. I already got two to match whatever outfit I'm wearing. One is transparent with "catwoman" like shape and the other, a black-rimmed one for that sexy librarian look.
They have new arrivals recently of GAP and EKIN frames in funky shapes and colors.
Other than great frames, they also have really good service. They have a camera so you can see how the frames look on you on t.v. Well, I just can't trust mirrors anymore and of course, this appeals to my vanity!
Let us take eyeglasses to another level and be geeks no more!
***Article posted at
Saturday, December 16, 2006
I'm really a dog person but once in awhile there's a cat that catches my eye.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wonderwoman and Harlequin
Monday, December 4, 2006
I'm sad. Unhappy. Morose. Melancholy. Desolate.
Clear enough?
No amount of shopping will make me happy this time.
That's how depressed I am.
Sunday, December 3, 2006

Ugh! I started hated weddings when I started catching the bouquets. Whoever said whoever catches it gets married next is a total looney and an even bigger liar! Sigh... I'm starting to turn red with fury again (at ang itim-itim ko ha?!)... I'm trying to count backwards (from a hundred!)... But once in awhile I find something nice out of this barbaric and hopeless ritual.
Our family was invited to our neighbor's wedding on the 27th. I love, truly love, their invitation! The most creative invites yet! The groom actually won a Palanca award for a children's book he wrote several years ago. So they made a sort of children's book out of their love story. I just scanned a few pages, but I hope you get the idea.

Of course all I have to do is stay away from the bouquet and I just might really enjoy the evening.
Note: I'm actually helping a really close friend of mine prepare her wedding. The whole barkada is helping her out. The first ever wedding of LEGO GANG!
Friday, December 1, 2006
But I am ruled by my id so I don't care. If I want it... I'll get it!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

On November 30, 2006 at exactly 8:30a.m. my life will change forever.
Gone are the days when I had to handcarry 8 boxes of Krispy Kreme home from the US.
I can now binge on those sweet, soft, melt-in-your-mouth doughnuts without traveling to another continent! Original Glazed of course. That's the only thing I eat there (like Pastillas is the only thing I eat in Gonuts Donuts).
The first store will open at High Street (behind Serendra) at Bonifacio City. The first customer to ring their bell at exactly 8:30a.m. will get a free one year supply of Original Glazed Doughnuts.
Just imagine...
NOTE: I'm not getting paid for plugging Krispy Kreme. I'm just a devoted customer!
Monday, November 27, 2006

Mom's home! And look what she got her favorite daughter! It's great when your mother's fashion sense is not too far from yours. I'm not worried about what she'll bring home to me coz most of the time I love it.
Ohhh la la! New bags... and make up! I introduced my mom to the wonders of Mineral Make Up and she got us both a set. She's still kinda clueless how to use it but there's an instructional dvd with her set. I hope she watches it.
My brother is coming home on friday. I know he has more stuff for me. My cousin got me three other pairs of shoes. That's what I call happy feet!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
But I saw the ad of Smart using the cellphone as modem to connect to the internet. And I tried it today and I'm online again. But for sure it's going to put a dent on my pocket. It's about P10 per minute I think.
Nonetheless... it's a price to pay to ease my boredom here at work. I'm downloading YM too!
I'm not a techie but I do love technology!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
We did attempt to look at clothes but surprisingly we spent our moolah on make ups!
Willa wanted a new face powder. She didn't like the tone of her current face powder. She has yellow undertones and her skin and face doesn't match. She needed something to even out her skin color. We went to ESSENCES and found T. LeClerc! I've been familiar with the brand for sometime, my mom uses several of their products. But I never checked it out because I know if my mom uses it it's probably expensive! I was pleasantly surprised that their products wasn't overly so pricey. I think I can afford some of them.
She got the Compact Pressed Powder in Banane. She also got the Professional Concealer. The attendant in Essences was so helpful to us she even taught us the proper way of using the powder and the concealer!
Willa forced... nay cajoled!... me to buy SugarBaby cosmetics in a set. I happily agreed and got more than a set. It's actually an Australian brand.

Essences reminded me of Sephora. Every visit in New York is not complete without visiting Sephora (and Tiffany & Co. of course...). It's the home of a few of my favorite brands like Benefit, DuWop (love their Lip Venom), Shu Uemura and Tarte. I haven't found a store that carries Benefit and Tarte so I have to ask relatives visiting US to bring me home my orders.
I now realize how extremely kikay I am! This is horrible! But I love it!
Thursday, November 23, 2006

... Is my brother watching the Pacquiao-Morales fight in Las Vegas. Even sweeter is watching ringside.
Another sweetness? Seeing the whole gang of the Entourage during the fight... in seats less prestigious as his. I love you Adrian Grenier!!! Hehehe!

More sweetness is celebrating after at the Bellagio Hotel.
Awesome travel stories from my bro in his Las Vegas Adventure in his blog with pics. More pics when he gets back.
My sweetness? Why getting my pasalubong of course!
What can I say... we're spoiled brats!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
If we had snow I wanna be covered in these...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A couple of months ago I already saw the collection in the internet and I loved it! Specially the evening gowns. Here in the Philippines however, they don't carry the clothing line as it is too expensive.
I have yet to own a Bottega Veneta bag despite being one of my favorites. I just couldn't bring myself to spend half a years salary for a bag! Further translation: I could already feed about 200-250 people in my wedding with just one bag!
But alas! I'm a dreamer and I know I'll have the courage to splurge THAT much.
The whole collection was only accessories: bags, shoes, wallets, key chains and planners.
The leather they used vary from lamb, deer, goat and even sea snake. Here are some of my favorites...
Saturday, November 11, 2006

I was getting my very first tattoo. Finally.
The design, a Triquetra, popularized in the series Charmed, was what I've always wanted tattooed on my lower back since I got my belly pierced. Gene Tesda, who did my piercing is also a tattoo artist. I told him I'll get a tattoo soon. It took me four years. But I've been committed to the design ever since.
I was with my brother, who extended the design of his first tattoo. He was with his friend and I was with Tini. They were our pep squad. Our artist was D-Jay from Greenhills. It just took me about 45 minutes.
It was helluva painful! Crazy painful! But I love it!
A week later, it's just helluva itchy!
Just ignore my tummy... check out the pics.

Monday, October 30, 2006
Why then do these girls make it look so fashionable?!

Pictures courtesy of and
Just some crazy stuff at home... my brother got a tattoo on his lower back. Some tribal design. It actually looks awesome. Afew days later my cousin came home with two tattoos! One on his upper back and the other on his left arm. What's up with that???? They're calling me chicken for not getting one. I really want one! I already have a design just want to do it with Tini.
Visit my blog after a few days... maybe you'll finally see mine.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
How much of yourself is real?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Click here for the rest of the pictures.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
It was Friday the 13th but no crazy stuff happened. Just crazy fun! At the function room of the Shang Grand Tower all the special people in my life came. My family and relatives, people from the office, my highschool friends, AIM friends and the J Boys and Girls.
It was a night full of lechon, Cerveza Negra, singing and laughter! Check out the pics below.
Monday, October 9, 2006
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part
You roll outta bed and down on your knees
And for the moment you can hardly breathe
Wondering was she really here?
Is she standing in my room?
No she's not, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The giving up is the hardest part
She takes you in with your crying eyes
Then all at once you have to say goodbye
Wondering could you stay my love?
Will you wake up by my side?
No she can't, 'cause she's gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
Now do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand
Do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Do i have to fall asleep with roses in my hand?
Baby won't you get them if i did?
No you won't, 'cause you're gone, gone, gone, gone, gone....
When you're dreaming with a broken heart
The waking up is the hardest part
My Favorite Manong
Maybe we fell into a routine, he knows my car even from afar (even my car when my real car is coding). He has a limp, looks like polio, but he would amble his way towards me whenever he sees me coming.
Last saturday I realized how he valued me as one of his suki. I had to go to the office for our Operational Planning session. We usually have newspaper at home during weekends so I wasn't planning to buy one at all. The stoplight was turning green already, he holds the newspaper to me and said, "Sa lunes mo na bayaran".
This morning I did look for him and gave him my payment. I also gave him my sandwich.
I don't know his name. I couldn't stay long enough to chat but I do wish I could find out.
Monday, October 2, 2006
'Nuf said.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
'Nuf said.
See you on monday.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Turning 20++ wasn't so bad. Yesterday was actually really fun albeit having a slow start. I woke up with a few messages on my phone and went to work with just a dinner at Hap Chan to look forward too. My Dad was out of town until thursday and I will be out of town until friday so the family dinner was moved to saturday. Wew!
I arrived in the office greeted with hugs and kisses from my officemates. More people found out coz my Mom and Dad sent three tulips and my Tocs, my uncle, sent three dozen roses. All colored pink. They were waiting for me on my desk when I arrived. Awww...!
The rest of the day, more birthday messages and calls from friends and other relatives. When I called my Mom and Uncle to thank them they sort of wanted to find out what my schedule was. Do I have a meeting outside the office? Where was I eating lunch? Will I just be in the office the rest of the day? I knew something was up... oh no!
I was on my toes expecting something humiliating but it was already 5pm and I was getting ready to leave for our dinner and there was still no surprise. Thank God! Alas... past five, as I was making sure we had everything we needed for our trip to Tarlac the next day I hear a cheezy birthday song blaring out of a boom box. I sort tried to hide myself in my cubicle but I could hear my Mom's great assistant screaming "asan ba sya?". I lift my head and Tita Nica was there with a cake with one candle and our driver holding the boom box. Then she asked me to blow the candle and announce to the whole office (by now the whole department was crowding my area trying to watch the spectacle unfold): "Hindi pa yan ang birthday gift ni mother". She puts a cd in the boom box and in come John Arcilla (Famas Best Actor awardee and currently doing theatre) and he starts singing this cheezy tagalog song! My embarrassment level just went up ten notches!
So there I was... getting serenaded by a real celebrity as the whole office watch... including our big boss who was really wondering what the hell was going on. I felt happy that my Mom would go all that trouble to celebrate my birthday. After the song Tita Nica hands me a paper telling me my mom feels bad settling for Hap Chan ("but I love their hot & sour soup!!!) so they made reservations at Hexagon at RCBC Tower. Off I went after work. Tito Jun, Tocs, my cousin Ian, my brother Jong, Tita Nica, my boo Tini and of course my Mom were all there to make it special. John Arcilla was also there. His talent fee for three songs was P50,000 but I got to watch him sing not only three songs... but maybe a dozen... coz there was also videoke there. He passed the mic to us saying we should sing too... hell... after his singing how could mere mortals like us follow???? Well, easy. Just a daquiri and couple of beers and we're good to go.
So, I'm a spoiled brat. I don't care. If pampering me is my parents happiness, who am I to stop them?!
My friend said now I'm statistically part of the late twenties demographics. Hmp! Aside from that though... it's really good to be me.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Before the ceremony, we were inside Imaculada having drinks to avoid the heat outside since it was a graden wedding. At our table were Lolit Solis, Mother Lily, Anabelle Rama, Lorna Tolentino and Vilma Santos. My mom marched arm-in-arm with Philip Salvador.
During dinner at Tamayo's Garden where the reception was held, my mom sat at the presidential table with the other sponsors while I sat with Eddie Gutierrez, Lolit Solis, Mother Lily, John Arcillia, Douglas Quijano, Richard Gomez, some ladies I don't recognize and the kid from Super Inggo. When most of the people from my table left already, Rachelle Ann Go sat beside me.
The Buzz and S-Files covered the event and I got a text from a friend she saw me during one of the coverage.
Actually, I wished I got discovered. Mas magaling naman ako sa mga ibang artista noh?!
Oh, and we bullied my brother to take pictures of me and my mom before we left the house. Below are some shots. The rest of the photoshoot can be seen here.

Photo: Jong Clemente
Hair & Make-up: Elmer of Elmer Salon
Shoes and Accessories: Models' own
On Celine: Gown by Christine Go
On Conci: Gown courtesy of Tin Abu
I held my breath for a second and that's all it took...
At one second left I accepted defeat. But apparently fate has other plans for the Ateneans. It was a great play... inbound by Escalona, caught by Kramer who was waiting under the basket to deliver the winning shot. All in one second!
Awesome. That's all I can say.
I can't wait for Game 2. It's the Eaglets last chance to win and possibly the Eagles last game as long as they don't become over confident.
One big fight!
***Thanks Dino for the link and cheetsi for the video.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Amazing how the UST Growling Tigers clawed their way to the finals beating the Warriors twice! I tried watching the replay last night but fell asleep by half time. Although I woke up enought to catch the last few minutes of the game. The Warriors did their best to win but maybe the absence of Custodio (suspended by the UE Admin themselves due to an infraction of team rules that they didn't want to elaborate).
I'm actually worried coz the Eagles had lousy performances these past few games despite winning. They're bad at offensive rebounding and they tend to be complacent when they're leading the game. If they think their performance against Adamson will earn them the championship, they're totally mistaken.
I do hope we win, I'd love to experience a championship celebration again. And if the Eaglets also win it would definitely be a grand event! Too bad I won't be watching the game live or otherwise coz I have a wedding to attend to. Hopefully I can catch the second game on tv at the hotel I'm staying in. I have an auction next thursday and it will be my first time as an auctioneer!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

1. Body Shop Cheek and Lip Tint I got it really cheap since there was a buy-one-take-one promo with a lip gloss. I tried using this on my lips with the lip gloss over it but it looked like I ate strawberry candy. But when I applied it on my cheeks eventhough I'm so morena it really looked like I was blushing! As you can see I'm almost finish with my stash.
2. Bloom Lip Gloss in "Honey Bunch"
I was suppose to buy the lipstick coz I finished my old one already. It was a grad school gift from my friends coz they know I'm totally kikay. They also chose a great color! But when I went back to buy a new one I saw this one. I put some and loved the color and the gloss. I also the love the taste! Yes, the taste. Sort of coffee-cinnamon-ish. I mean, it doesn't have the lipstick taste. It's my everyday lip color.
3. Johnson's Baby Softlotion (24 hour Moisture)
I discovered this under my Aunt's bathroom sink in Illinois. The kids doesn't use it much but the whole time I was sleeping at their house I'd spread some all over my body as often as I could. What's great about this lotion is it's not greasy and it does moisturize longer than the others that I've tried. I also like the subtle scent, pang baby! I bought several in pump bottles when I visited Target. It's available here in the Philippines too, although haven't seen one with pump. I bought this small bottle that I keep in my office drawer at Watson's. I try to put lotion in the middle of the day coz the airconditioning dries my skin too much.
4. L'Oreal Blush Delicieux Sorbet in "Iced Cinammon"
Now that I have to put make up everyday I decided to invest in three things: lipstick, eyeshadows and blush. This one I use when I want to achieve the sunkissed look. It's shimmery but not in the "out-to-go-on-a-gimik" kinda way. It doesn't make me look too much made up.
5. Revlon EyeGlide Shimmer Shadow
I bought two of these here in the Philippines and when I saw how much cheaper it is in the US, I bought two other colors. I have Taupe, Mocha, Bronze and Nude. Notice how close the colors are to each other. I'm not into bright colors although they have blue and silver for more adventurous gals. I love this product coz it's so easy to use. Just turn the bottom part so the make up comes out on the applicator on top. It's kinda creamy so it stays long. I put make up on my way to work while stuck in traffic. The EyeGlide makes it convenient for me.
6. Natural Rice Oil Absorbing Rice Powder in "Warm Beige"
I thank the makulit saleslady in Beauty Bar for this one. I bought this along with my Bloom Lip Gloss. She kept on harping how it would enhance my make up if I use it. Gullible me I decided to buy it. It was also cheap, almost P400 during that time. The idea of the Rice Powder is to put it on your face with a brush or puff after you're done putting on your make up. It helps settle all the make up and also absorbs oil. I immediately noticed how it completely finishes off my look. I got Warm Beige, closest to my skin color so I wouldn't look like a kabuki. It makes my cheeks blushier and my eyeshadow more vivid. I use brush to apply it coz it helps me control the color better.
I would love to have NARS and MAC in my make up bag but for now while I can't invest on those yet I think these products are enough to make me look fab at work.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Photo: Jong Clemente
Top: Irene's Closet
Hairstyle: Susan of Symmetria Salon, Greenhills
Make up: done by Model
Sunday, September 17, 2006
This blouse has a mod feel to it. What got me was the unique collar. I think this would look good with an A-line skirt in cerulean and pink or camel platform shoes.
I don't know how clear this picture is but this black long-sleeved blouse has a touch of goth with class! I love the collar detail too and the gartered waist. I'm thinking gray skinny pants with stilettos or even white hot pants and ballet flats!
What I love about small stores is the relationship they try to build with their clientele. From past experience, they are more masipag in texting and updating their clients whenever new items come in. So, I left my contact details and told them I'm more into vintage stuff. They also sell outfits for dogs and accessories like bags.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The store houses upcoming local designers and artists. They make just a few pieces of each design so you know your clothes are almost one of a kind. I got funny shirts for me and my brother. Our shirts have these funny remarks in front..."I'm not Ukay today" and "I say chukchak, you say chennes". Prices are reasonable, the shirts were P350 each. Of course the one-of-a-kind items are more expensive.
I'll never get to wear those clothes in the office. That's what's stopping me from splurging. I'm trying to be more sensible in my shopping sprees. I think it's a sign that I'm really getting older!

Since the year started I have changed my hairstyle several times already. From straight to curly, re-curled then back to straight, then layered, then even more layered. And now I see this Louise Brooks bob on my friend's blog... argh!
This do is so reminiscent of my hairstyle when I was five years old! I should print this out and show it to my stylist.
Actually, I'm one of those girls that change their look whenever their restless with their lives. My work kinda sucks hence, the numerous trips to the salon for a new look. I need to make myself happy by feeling preety amidst the chaos in the office.
Again, I ask: Do I dare?!
I say: I think I do!