
A Tale to Remember

Sunday, October 2, 2005

I don't blame anybody... especially men... for not understanding my obsession with "the perfect proposal".

One of my roommates from AIM just got engaged a week ago in Tagaytay and last night was their pamamanhikan. We had lunch today and she told us what happened on that fateful weekend. I won't go into the details but suffice it to say it was funny but sweet. It was unlike my friend's boyfriend to be so mushy but so like them to bungle along the way. It was perfect! The mom even helped take care of accommodations in Tagaytay and she was also the one who made sure the ring fit. She asked my friend to try on her ring in the pretense of asking her opinion on her jewelry. The engagement ring is now considered an heirloom. It was his mom's engagement ring, eventually my friend will pass it on to her son... on the condition that my friend likes her daughter-in-law-to-be!

We already suspected she was going to be the first 315 Girl to get married. They don't have definite plans yet and may even take at most two years before the wedding. But at least they're engaged already.

Some people think I'm always after the ring... that it must be huge... it must be fashionable... I don't mind if it's not all that. But what I do want is the whole shebang!

I want a proposal worthy to be featured in a bridal magazine.

Worthy of being retold a hundred times because of the unforgettable way it was done.

Worthy of becoming an "urban legend"!

If the guy is totally in love with me then he'll find a way to make it one of the most memorable of my life. I mean, it's the least he could do. After all, I'm the one who'll get fat and pregnant and will probably be in labor for more than 24 hours! Women do die during childbirth!

I guess I just want to feel special.

But I wouldn't say no to a nice ring too!

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