
I am in MBA because...

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

...I am a very materialistic person. I am here because I want to learn how to make money because money will get me my clothes, shoes, house, and all the comforts in life. I will not be a hypocrite and claim that my ultimate goal is to make a difference in the lives of the people I will meet. I haven't matured enough to take on that challenge. I will not spout out the need for social awareness just because it will make me look good in front of my professors. I will not be pushed to do good deeds for the poor. I will help them in my own time and in my own way because I want to. And not because I need to buy a piece of heaven when I die.

Do you think I'm a truly an evil person? Does this make me a brat? This is not apathy. This is honesty. How many of you out there can really say you've done something meaningful in your lives? How many of you can actually say that the acts of selflessness that you've been doing are without motives? I gag everytime I hear someone extolling their virtues and goodness when they're actually reeking of a whore hiding beneath a virgin's gown.

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