
My MYOH 2011 Pairs

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yesterday I went to MYOH event exclusive for HavLove members. I took advantage of the invite to avoid chaos and long lines I always experience at any MYOH event.

I took my time deciding what sole to pair with what strap and also what pin to put. 

Instead of the wheel, there soles are now lined up under a glass box with a crank you turn, while the straps are on top to mix and match. 

Exclusive sole for MYOH 2011 Estampa. This one is for Tops.

This one is for Slim

Here's some of the pins... nice they have lots of Pinoy-themed ones.

The pressure of creating your own perfect pair! 

My two pairs... since I couldn't decide...

I ended up buying both Estampas design. The slim had the Harajuku Doll (every pin sold, P100 is donated to the Japan earthquake thru Red Cross) while the tops had the metal barcode with MNL on it. My Havies are simple and no fuss. I want my pairs to match MOST of my clothes. 

And notice I only got two pairs?! After the event I texted my husband I was on my way home. He asked me, "Nakarami ka?" (Did you get a lot?). I texted back, "Define marami?! Nah, just got two pairs". I was surprised he just texted back "OK". 

The MYOH 2011 officially opens to the public today until May 16.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hi charmagne! the tops is P895 and slim is P995. pins are P100 each.

  3. Hello! Here in Brazil one of these costs about $ 40.00. in dollars: 20.00 each.
