
Sunday, July 5, 2009

UAAP Babies

While I'm still in a very UAAP mode, here's another site for moms and dads who would like to share their school spirit with their kids... The Urban Baby carries UAAP outfits for babies and tots.

they have shirts...


and rompers...

They only carry lines from the three universities. I already bought a Future Atenista onesie and shirt (for when he outgrows his onesie) and a Future Aktibista onesie as an homage to his lolo and lola who graduated from there. Here's our little imp wearing his oufits...

his Daddy loves that I got this for his little basketball star

Lolo and Lola thinks this is the coolest!

Visit The Urban Baby's site here and check out their other designs. The UAAP series is on sale until July 20th.