
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I'm sooooo gonna regret this tomorrow...err, later...

My dad is leaving for Canada tomorrow... well, later. He's attending the wedding of the son of a very good family friend. They were even our Ninong and Ninang on our wedding.

I promised them a cd of the wedding pictures.

Since I've been procrastinating forever to do the wedding photos I had to do everything tonight last minute. We had to send three more cd's to other relatives while my dad was there.

I'm soooooo sleepy! I even had technical problems with my laptop and even my husband's.

He's off snoring to neverland... I felt bad. I let him sleep early coz he has an early day tomorrow... I mean later.

Off to bed.

I promise to finish sorting out the photos by this weekend so I can give them to our photographer already. I wanna beat my two friends who are also tooooooo lazy to start on their albums.

You know who you are... don't deny it! Hahaha! Contest tayo!

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