
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ink me bebeh!

More than a year ago, I got my very first tattoo. A triquetra sign on my lower back. It was relatively big in size. The pain was beyond what I was used to so I decided that it will probably take years till I get one again.

But they said once you've tried it, you'll want another one again.

Since I've been displaced to sleep in the ground floor guest room that has a t.v. hooked to Destiny cable, I have access to Travel and Living. One of the shows I'm currently addicted to right now is Miami Ink. A reality show about tattoo artists in Miami and the people they meet. The customers usually talk about the significance of their tattoo and what pushed them to get one.

Their creativity is amazing! Most of the time they do freestyle, no patterns just straight drawing on the skin. It still comes out great! Envy! Sometimes they bombard the artists of many images, the challenge is to incorporate all the elements to one tattoo and draw it in a limited area. Still, it comes out awesome!

Now I'm inspired to get another one.

My triquetra, unfortunately, isn't colorful. I want one in color. Maybe on my right pelvic area. Hmmm... a shooting star? Or an elaborate floral design?

All I have to think about now is the pain. Sigh.

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