
Monday, November 27, 2006


Mom's home! And look what she got her favorite daughter! It's great when your mother's fashion sense is not too far from yours. I'm not worried about what she'll bring home to me coz most of the time I love it.

Ohhh la la! New bags... and make up! I introduced my mom to the wonders of Mineral Make Up and she got us both a set. She's still kinda clueless how to use it but there's an instructional dvd with her set. I hope she watches it.

My brother is coming home on friday. I know he has more stuff for me. My cousin got me three other pairs of shoes. That's what I call happy feet!


  1. I like the plain brown bag. I kinda like the printed one think papasa yan na purse to bring on the plane? iba pa yung carry on bag ha...

  2. The printed one is XOXO but the plain one I forgot the brand pero that's TJ Maxx lang! Super cheap!

    That's okay na sa plane. You can still carry another bag pa.

  3. Buy the "kabuki brush" for applying your foundation easily across your face. Oh, don't forget "Mineral Veil" to minimize the sheen and help blend your colors nicely.

    My 2 cents.

  4. Oh I have the Mineral Veil but I do want a kabuki brush! The application will probably be better than my regular blush brush.

  5. Definitely! Kabuki brushes come in 2 sizes. There's one with a long handle and one without it except for a short stump. I have the latter one and it's great to use with their foundation and warmth. Also love their powder concealer with SPF!
