
Monday, October 9, 2006

My Favorite Manong

I always take the same route going to work: Marcos Hi-way, C5, Fort Bonifacio, McKinley then Edsa. At the intersection of McKinley and Edsa, I found a friend in a takatak boy. Well, his quite old already actually. I always buy my Philippine Star from him.

Maybe we fell into a routine, he knows my car even from afar (even my car when my real car is coding). He has a limp, looks like polio, but he would amble his way towards me whenever he sees me coming.

Last saturday I realized how he valued me as one of his suki. I had to go to the office for our Operational Planning session. We usually have newspaper at home during weekends so I wasn't planning to buy one at all. The stoplight was turning green already, he holds the newspaper to me and said, "Sa lunes mo na bayaran".

This morning I did look for him and gave him my payment. I also gave him my sandwich.

I don't know his name. I couldn't stay long enough to chat but I do wish I could find out.

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