
Wednesday, May 3, 2006

So Long...

It's been awhile since my last post. I blame work. Too busy to sneak in a little blog time at work and too tired to do it at home. It's been crazy around here in the office. We moved from the 3rd floor to the 9th. They gave me this nice cozy nook. Keeps me hidden when I don't want to be found.

Between doing other people's backlog and my own I suddenly ask myself if this is where I want to be. But as long as the money keeps coming enough to pay my credit card bills and shopping binges I can't really complain.

If something comes along, would it be evil of me to suddenly leave here? I'm a month away from being permanent. And somehow I feel bad just leaving my team hanging when they've just started recuperating from a terrible mass resignation before I arrived. I also enjoy being with most of my officemates, although I wish I could talk to someone who shares my passion for fashion.

I dunno... I just think gone were the days when people stayed in one company for decades. Omigosh! Imagine doing the same thing over and over and over and over...

Obviously I'm getting bored...

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