
Calling the Sandals God

Friday, May 29, 2009

Because of priorities, I think I'll be missing the 2009 Make Your Own Havaianas event.


I've been looking forward to this for the past three weeks...

I wish I could tell hubby to go get one for me. But he's lazy to do things like these for me.

Or I wish he'd surprise me and go there to have a pair made for me.

But he won't. And no matter how many hints I drop he won't get it. Saturday basketball is more important to him than anything else.

He also doesn't read my blog and doesn't understand I really... really... really want one.


I guess next year na lang.

I'm LegallyVain

Sunday, May 24, 2009

As you can see, my make up is all over the place. I've been trying to get everything in proper order. Finally, I got around organizing all my make up stuff.

I incorporated strategies from the experts like getting a pill case and putting dollops of my favorite lipsticks in them. Instead of bringing 5 to 7 lipsticks all at the same time.

And thanks to LegallyVain, I found a cute, practical and most of all... affordable vanity case. They carry several designs. I've been wanting one ever since my friend from CAS (Center for Aesthetic Studies) showed me hers.

I got the simple silver one.

The case has a lock. It's not heavy but very sturdy.

So, after a few minutes of getting everything together, I finally have this...

Gosh, looking at it now, I just realized how much stuff I have! But at least it's now organized. I also want to take up make up classes at CAS, just their one-day-four-hour personal make up session. With this case, I won't be embarrassed to bring my kikay stuff.

I showed my mom the case and she wants one as well. They have Burberry and Damier designs. I bet my mom would love those.

Visit LegallyVain's site at

Wag kse maging Careless Whisper...

Was it Atty. Katrina Legarda who commented...

"Sa net, patay ka na pinapanood ka pa rin..."

...or something like that about the sex scandal rocking our nation today? If you haven't heard, about the Hayden Kho videos then you must be living in the hinterlands... or out of the country without TFC.

But, it's true right?! It's hard to erase something like that on the net. People may have a hard time looking for it now with most of the sites blocked (believe me, we've tried). But, a lot of people have downloaded it and saved it in their computers already.

Don't put the blame on the people who posted it on the net... blame it on the guys who did the videos on the first place. After all, what's there to post if you didn't make those "sizzling hotttt!" videos.

Imagine 30 or 40 years from now, you're grandchild will see you humping someone on the net and asks you...

"Is that you Lolo?!"

To which you will reply...

"Look at my mole!"

MYOH 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

I was beginning to think they won't have a Make Your Own Havaianas event this year. Until I saw the billboard near Rockwell a couple of weeks ago. I waited for the newsletter. It finally arrived last today.

This year's MYOH will start on May 28 and end on June 1. Visit the Rockwell Tent during mall hours. I bet there'll be a line as early as 7am!!!

Visit their site and play mix-and-match with the straps and soles and put lifestyle pins, culture pins and swarovskis to practice for the event. Like the one I did below...

Cutie Crawly

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I received a text from our Yaya that my son started crawling today. Only backwards! Hahaha! Adorable. I have friends who did tell me that their kids started crawling backwards too, so maybe it's not unusual.

My baby is growing up fast! However, I did feel bad that I wasn't there to see it. I haven't been motivated at work lately because I do want to be with my baby 24/7. It drives me crazy knowing a stranger is taking care of him. I do trust our Yaya. I think she's doing great. But I still want to be there for him. Specially for moments like these.

Sigh... I wish my hubby had a job that can keep me home.

The Dark Horse shines!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I really find Kris Allen so cute! Adorable! I love his rendition of Apologize by One Republic.

But his second song, Heartless blew me away!

Adam Lambert will obviously be on the finals. I'm a U2 fan. Great job on One. I'm fan of both... now you know who I want to see in the finals...

Revenge of the Fallen

Testosterone overload...

I have a girl crush on Megan Fox.

I am LOVED...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's my first Mother's Day last Sunday and I was quick to demand a gift from my husband. But being not so good with surprises, he asked me what I wanted. Sigh! I haven't trained him well on giving gifts. He still keeps on asking me what I want. I don't understand why he can't be creative and just ask my best friend or read my blog. I blab about stuff I want here anyway.

I had several things I wanted. I couldn't decide which one until I remembered the Adidas promo. So, I told him I'd look for an old pair of sneakers I can exchange to get new ones on discount.

My old Nike was peeling off already. I didn't get to wear it for a year since I got pregnant, the sole must've gotten brittle over time. My sweet husband glued it together for me. Whenever he does little things like that, I realize how he must really love me. Even after 11 year (yes, ELEVEN...) of being together, it still gets better everyday.

my panganay putting my shoes together. had to crop the pic to hide his belly!

He had work at Edsa Shangri-la today so he told me we'd check out Adidas there. We ended up not using my Nike shoes because the sneakers I got was on sale already. P1900... not bad! I didn't need anything fancy, just good reliable sneakers to run on.

He's quite OC (obsessive compulsive) too. He checked the whole shoe for any damage and made sure it fit me well. He's so sweet. He can be annoying sometimes but I can be bitchy as well, so I guess we're even.

I promised him a nice Father's Day gift. I already know what I want to give him. I just need help getting it.

Thank again Be, I wabyu!

What I did on Mudra's Day...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

I admit, I never used to be this into local tv until I went on my maternity leave. Imagine 78 days of Boy & Kris, Wowowee and Deal or No Deal really got my mind twisted. Not only am I now a certified kapamilya, I can also say I'm jologs!

My friend, W works at the station, hooked us up with passes for today's ASAP '09 show. Despite the long wait and the even longer line, I must say, we really did have fun. We were lucky it was mother's day, Ate Shawie and Ai-Ai were there to promote their movie. Plus, the stars we really wanted to see were there...

Papa Piolo and Sam were there! Aren't they soooooooo yummy????

I like Iya's fashion sense. Look at her shoesies! My bro says it's from Zara. I won't ask why he knows...

Zanjoe's shoes is LV... sosyal!

Ahlove Enchong Dee!!! That swimmer's bod is soooooo hot!

But I screamed for Papa Jake... I like him better than the other David Garcia, Jr. Ahloveyou Papa Jeyk!!!!

I super love Bea's first outfit. It was a black pansuit with low backline. I didn't get to take a picture though. She was too far from us during her spiels. My husband fell in love with Papa Piolo's body... (ooops, I don't think I was suppose to say that...) He's now doing some weight lifting here at home. He got so jealous of how Papa P can wear those polo shirts... I told him it wasn't the shirt, it was his body. I also told him I should put a picture of a shirtless Piolo to inspire him everyday. I wouldn't mind him looking like Papa P!!!

(pictures courtesy of

Talk to your baby! Join Baby Lingo

Friday, May 8, 2009

For moms and dads! It's a great way to start talking to you kids!

Prada coming home

This could be my Mother's Day gift from my mom. She bought two bags so we wouldn't fight over one. Hehehe... smart! I'll find out later if she really got the exact styles. She just texted me that she got a tessuto weave and a mordore. Love you mom!

Sacca Manici Tessuto Weave

Nappa Mordore Hobo

Saizen: Wasteland Heaven

I read in Chuvaness site about this store in Galleria called Saizen. She describes it as a "wasteland of all things cute". She said it was better than Japan Home and she was right!!! I do love stores like this. I regularly visit Japan Home and also veinte stores in Market! Market! for trinkets. So yesterday when hubby asked where I wanted to go I told him, "Galleria! Saizen". And since it's Mother's day on Sunday, he happily obliged!

I only bought a few items (9 should be few enough!) like the colored staples, a blue polka dot kisslock coin purse, pill box (for my lipsticks), plastic guard for cards (for our Catan gameboard) and other senseless stuff... but I was laughing my head off at some of the things they have there! I can't believe people thought of these things!

a mat to help you cut pies and cakes evenly. coz there are OC people out there who measures....

this could probably be like a dog collar... so the rest of your body doesn't get wet when you shampoo...

this i almost bought for work. i use a pen with rubberband tied on the other end to help me flip pages of documents (and i really do read a lot of those). this is the sosyal way...

and this... is not what you think. it's sort of a "tupperware" for bananas. like when you have bananas for baon, at least it's in a case...

After an hour and a half of going around the store, hubby gave up and went to the bookstore to kill time. He knew he wouldn't be able to pull me out of the store immediately. All in all, it was fun! I'm going back coz I saw gift wrapping and scrapbook stuff I'd like to get.

Unofficial Trailer: NEW MOON

Monday, May 4, 2009

This is just a fanmade trailer since they haven't released the official one yet. I'm re-reading New Moon just to refresh my memory.

Jacob is hot. But I'll always be Team Edward.

Bite Me.

May na!

I wonder when my May issue will arrive??? I finally got a subscription. For several years I would just buy from bookstores and magazine stands but I'm always frustrated coz they come in late.

I just started last month and was super happy it arrived just three days into the month.

Ruffa Gutierrez wears LV. There seems to be a lot from the Graffiti collection in this issue. I wish one would throw me a wallet or even a Speedy on Mother's Day. Hehehe...

Push it! Push it!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I went to Salcedo market today with my family. It was our first time. Of course we ate a lot and bought a lot of stuff too. Couldn't stop myself from taking a picture of someone with a pushcart though... hahaha! I saw several. Maybe next time I go shopping I should run off with one too, so I have something to bring the next time we go back to Salcedo market.