
Cold Rock rocks!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cold Rock from Australia is ice cream and mix ins smashed together on top of a slab of ice cold rock... or sort of marble. The fun is in customizing your dessert. With lots of ice cream flavors and add ons to choose from, there are thousands of ways to make your own yummy cup of ice cream!

My husband and I tried this before at Crowne Plaza during our wedding taste test at their buffet. It was part of their dessert buffet menu. This afternoon my husband brought me to Cold Rock at Greenbelt 3 after driving my mom to the office and after we did some shopping.

The steps to make your own mix is as follows:

1. Choose the cone or cup.
2. Choose the ice cream. You can choose more than one.
3. Choose the add ons... there's more than a dozen there to satisfy your every craving!.
4. Then watch them smash it up all together
5. Gobble it all up!!!

Tini chose Tiramisu and Coffee ice cream. He added cookie dough, choco fudge brownie and Reese's. I chose the Banana Cream Pie ice cream and added strawberry and choco fudge brownie for a banana split effect.

This is Tini's ice cream

see the hand movement

finished products!!!

I'm totally going to get fat! Tini and I are such gluttons!

Cold Rock can be found also in Trinoma and the Fort.

I'm sooooo gonna regret this tomorrow...err, later...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

My dad is leaving for Canada tomorrow... well, later. He's attending the wedding of the son of a very good family friend. They were even our Ninong and Ninang on our wedding.

I promised them a cd of the wedding pictures.

Since I've been procrastinating forever to do the wedding photos I had to do everything tonight last minute. We had to send three more cd's to other relatives while my dad was there.

I'm soooooo sleepy! I even had technical problems with my laptop and even my husband's.

He's off snoring to neverland... I felt bad. I let him sleep early coz he has an early day tomorrow... I mean later.

Off to bed.

I promise to finish sorting out the photos by this weekend so I can give them to our photographer already. I wanna beat my two friends who are also tooooooo lazy to start on their albums.

You know who you are... don't deny it! Hahaha! Contest tayo!

Charming Salvation for Horses

They say that the year of the Rat is unlucky for those born under the year of the Horse. I think I've proven that true when I slipped and hit my face on the wall. I was left bruised and sore for a few days. They even say there are eight kinds of unlucky events or incidents that will happen to us. Gasp! So my mom gave me this charm from Charms and Crystals by Joy Lim. My mom had this specially made for me to keep me safe and counterbalance the possible bad things that might happen this year.

It's okay to not wear it but more effective when kept really close to your person. It has some sort of a scent... reminds me of incense. But this is better given than bought. My mom has several and some of them is believed to keep her healthy which is great coz that's one thing I worry most about her.

Then there's instructions on how to "program" the crystal to give you what you wish for...

I did this already and I can't wait to wear them tomorrow. Never mind that it won't match my outfits.

Updating PhotograBro's Sites

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My brother is building up his portfolio to become a true blue photog... no paparazzi here.

Just click on the sites for samples:

Flicker site -
Jongtography Blog -

I keep on offering myself to be their model... I wonder why he keeps on refusing...

Last Good Friday, he was invited to Prof. Jay Bernardo's house, my former professor in AIM, to teach digital photography for the family. That's the family's Holy Week activity. After the class they went around the neighborhood to take pictures and all the pictures were part of their best picture contest.

That's him on the photo... may powerpoint presentation pa! Sir Jay sent the picture to me... he was okay naman raw.

So you can either hire him as a photographer or a teacher... hehehe!

Adios Mansanas!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The other day my husband and I went to Serendra to buy a gift to one of his inaanaks. I decided to bring my iPod mini to the Apple Center there coz I've been having problems with it for weeks. The attendant there kinda gave me a weird look when I took out my iPod mini. I asked what was wrong with it since this icon kept on popping up.

"Ma'am, sad face po yan. Pag lumabas yan, wala na."

Woah?! A sad face?! What do you mean "wala na"?!

Apparently that's what it meant. Hard disk needs replacement. The thing is, iPod minis are faced out already. Which means, the parts are not available. The attendant suggested going to the gray market (a.k.a. Greenhills). Sigh, it's probably expensive. Add a little more and I could probably get a new one already... incidentally, iPods are on sale right now.

My husband objected getting a new one. No prob for me. I didn't mind. It's just sad that I had to say goodbye to my iPod when it was a gift from my parents when I graduated MBA. Sniff...

So, goodbye to my iPod. It has served me well.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I gave into the urge and went to Greenbelt 4 to check if the Boston bag was already available in Gucci Manila. Yup... they were there. Although they just have it in red and green. Both sizes. Sigh... sigh... sigh...

I also went around this pseudo department store in the second floor of the Greenbelt 5. It's called ADORA. I discreetly went around trying to look like I knew my way around. I was quite intimidated! But the associates were adorably (hah! squeezed that in!) attentive. I asked if they were carrying a specific brand and they said ADORA is a department store. "It's not about the labels", one of the associate said. They carry many labels from around the world from Turkey to Thailand. Of course, they also have local items. They also carry a hodge podge of items. They have travel bags, sunglasses, perfume, make up, swim wear, shoes, etc...

The first floor is dedicated to men's wear while the second is for the ladies. I really did linger because the layout of the store forces you to walk around the whole shop! They even have a cafe probably for the waiting boyfriends or husbands... they did put it on the first floor.

I did forget to ask what ADORA meant.

Prices of products typical of Greenbelt stores. I did almost buy a pair of sandals but as luck would have it, they didn't have it in my size.

I would've taken pictures but scared they'd kick me out! But I do have plans of coming back with my husband in tow coz I found some awesome brown leather shoes for him. I've been trying to convince him to get a brown pair.

My goal is to turn him into a fashionist-o.

No Gucci Gangster...

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

This is no post about the Gucci Gang... it is about THE REAL Gucci ladies and gents...

Since Gucci with "I heart NY" is almost impossible to find... will settle for this bag instead. Sigh... I could truly try to save for this one! Promise! I've never really adored Gucci coz I think it's soooo matronic. But these designs are so trendy... (although the stripes does remind me of the painted Goyards...)

I want one in blush... see bag below in all angles... I just might drop by their store tomorrow just to add my name on the wait list...

I've been bringing baon to work and started commuting or hitching a ride with my mom's driver.

This is discipline...

Janina San Miguel: Crowned Ms. World 2008... enjoy the show...

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sigh... wah ko ma-say!!! Ka-loka!

Color Me Orange

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Puma 'Spadrille' Patent Platforms

I saw this while doing some shopping for our room in Glorietta a few days ago. I'm a size 6 but somehow Puma's size 6 is kinda loose. We had some more errands in Serendra so I went to the Puma shop there. Still no smaller size.

I won't be able to sleep till I find a pair for me. It's a bit bold but it looks awesome!

I surfed on the net and they had it in black, white and blue too.

But orange is sooooo me... don't you think so?!

Anybody who finds this in 5.5... please give me a buzz!!!!