
Final Stretch... and can't believe they killed HIM!

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Been in Illinois for almost a week but now back in Canada again. Still getting my flight back home fixed. It's amazing how fast my babies have grown! I'm the eldest among the cousins from my mother's side. I've taken care of some of them when they were babies and now they're all grown up. The second eldest is now married and I'm even one of the godmothers of her baby. An adorable baby girl! It's so fun being all together. We just feel bad that we have a few more cousins still in the Philippines who couldn't be with us. We spent our nights playing poker (Texas Hold'em... which I'm beginning to be an expert in), singing videoke, and drinking beer. I wish I could've spent more time with them. But I kinda feel old seeing all my cousins now grown up.

My cousins bought me the newest Harry Potter book, The Half-Blood Prince and I just finished reading it the other night. I read in the newspapers that someone was going to die again and from how the story was unfolding I really thought it was Draco Malfoy. Alas! It wasn't! I don't wanna ruin it for those who are still reading or going to read the book but I really felt depressed after. Well... It makes it more realistic though. Just couldn't believe J.K. Rowling killed HIM! Of course not Harry Potter.

Anyway... I'm kinda out of the loop with whatever's happening in the Philippines. But I try to watch the news as often as I can. I'm a couple of weeks away from going home. So, hope to see all of you guys soon!

Langhap Sarap

Thursday, July 7, 2005

I realized... I miss Jollibee Chicken Joy.

I want one right now.

Still here...

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Yup. I'm still here in Canada. I've been here for almost a month. I'm not doing much here but I've been to several places since my last entry. I've been off-road biking around Millgrove area, strawberry-picking, visited relatives (went shopping with cousin!), went to Paramount Wonderland, and spent a night at Niagra.

But no pictures to prove it.

Although my sweet Aunt bought me a digital camera a few days ago. I have yet to use it.

I think I still have little over a week before I say farewell to Canada.

Did you know that the Canadian National Anthem sounds EXACTLY like the Ateneo Hymn?!!!