
Monday, February 12, 2007

Walking down the aisle...

Jimmy Choo ARIES

Jimmy Choo GALE

Malono Blahnik Raffia d'Orsay

Malono Blahnik Jeweled T-strap

Manolo Blahnik Jeweled Napa Slide

I'll probably be in tears standing for hours with these shoes. But what the heck! Wedding is just once in a lifetime right?! I hope so! Hahaha!


  1. my friend was determined to be comfortable on her wedding day so she bought a pair of white keds and then her (then) future mother in law sewed beads on them. they looked so cute peeking out from under her gown :)

  2. That's a great idea! I thought of that too... I feel awful spending $500 for a pair of shoes I can't use often.

  3. yeah, think of all the other pairs of shoes you can buy with $500 :p
